Soothe Your Crying Baby
Crying is the only way of communicating for newborns, be it for when they are hungry or are facing any discomfort. With some observation, you will be able to understand what your baby is trying to convey. A baby may cry because:
- He/She is hungry.
- He/She has soiled his diaper.
- He/She needs to be swaddled.
- He/She is bored and wants to be entertained.
- He/She wants to suck on something.
- He/She is tired and wants to sleep.
- He/She is feeling hot or cold.
- He/She just wants to cry.
Choose Baby Products Wisely
Your baby’s skin is sensitive and prone to rashes and irritation. It is recommended that you use baby skin care products only while giving him a bath or changing his nappies. Baby care products you use should be free of strong artificial fragrances, harsh cleansing agents, and any other unnecessary additives that could irritate the baby’s skin or trigger allergies. Our Podcasts will give you the informatin requred for to help avoid skin rashes or other related problems.
Mother & Baby